Yup, I don't enjoy seeing ads marketing HIV drugs, because "selling life-saving drugs for profit" = "Ick." On the other hand, we live in a society ruled and run by capitalists and marketers. At least Gilead (is that pharmaceutical name ironic, or what?) is mostly getting the message out in ways HIV advocates are asking them to. And while they aren't saying so in the ad, any at-risk person who needs Biktarvy but can't afford it can get it dispensed through the federal Ryan White Treatment Program. Yes, you have to jump through complicated hoops and you probably need expert help to do it right, and yes that puts more money into Gilead's pockets (arg!) but .... our health care "system" is profit-driven and will remain so for now whether we like it or not.
A decade ago, HIV advocates would have been thrilled Gilead was directly targeting Black men who have sex with men in a sex-positive way, and more thrilled major media accepted the ad buys. I just want to keep in perspective that as public-health messaging goes, this Biktarvy ad is a positive development.