Your illustration at the top of the page is interesting, because when I was conservative Christian child, conspiracy theories raced around our Christian community about the evil significance of that symbolism. I don't even remember what it was about anymore, honestly, but it was superstitious and silly.
Most of what I learned in church was deeply superstitious and silly. Biblical literalism, young Earth creationism, the literal Noah's flood, etc.
The thing is, believing in that sort of hoo-ha trains you to set aside reality and believe in magic and superstitious forces instead.
Listen carefully, God might talk to you.
Don't believe what they teach you in science class at school, because that's a message from Satan.
Small wonder that people steeped in that kind of thinking might credulously accept conspiracy theories. They don't know how to think. Or, to put it a different way, they are carefully trained not to think.