You should not be promoting this kind of homophobic garbage. This man is not a "Side B Christian,* he's a homophobic bigot using theology to oppress others the same way he's oppressing himself.
He's using the Bible in a way that justifies telling gay people that they should not enter into intimate loving relationships. He is an oppressive piece of shit, and a horrible man no matter how you look at it.
We LGBTQ people are sick and tired of pieces of shit like him. He doesn't need a platform. He needs to sit his homophobic ass down and shut his mouth.
Given you want to amplify his homophobic voice tells me everything I need to know about you. You are the you are an awful homophobe in the exact same way he is, and you're someone I will never ever listen to or read again. Homophobes anger me every bit as much as racist, I hate them both equally.
But you know what? The world IS moving forward and becoming better, and we LGBTQ people ARE throwing off our chains of religious oppression.
Count on one thing. We will defeat horrible homophobes like you and this disgusting man whose foul voice and evil religious beliefs you are working to amplify.
We will not rest until voices of homophobia and oppression like yours are no longer welcome anywhere in civilized society. You will lose.