You seem to have entirely misunderstood Dan's article. Only a tiny minority of the churches he contacted were willing to fully accept a gay couple. The "so many" you refer to equals two. Two. No more than two churches that did not discriminate against a gay couple.
Because, as I noted in my own comment to Dan, most Christians are disgusting homophobic bigots.
In the United States at least, I certainly acknowledge that many Christians are also explicit racists. But the two go hand in hand.
Something about Christianity turns a huge percentage of Christians into really nasty bigots.
In my opinion, it's baked into the religion. Arrogant judgmentalism is baked into the religion. I grew up in it, and I find Christian religious values to be mostly abhorrent. I tend to avoid Christians, because I know they will judge me and treat me very badly given that I'm a gay man.
To put it simply, I fear Christians for realistic reasons.
You can be as on fire or whatever as you want to be, but I'm still scared of you.
Because I know what you people do to people like me.