You might be able to produce more interesting articles, though, if you acknowledged the significant existence of liberal and progressive Christians, rather than labeling the whole bunch together with conservative Christians. The conservative bunch are surely the majority in the United States, but there is significant dissent within the Christian world over matters of social justice and even basic theology. The lines don't always fall where you think they would.
The Mennonite Church in Canada, for example, is extraordinarily progressive and a beacon for social justice. Many people wouldn't expect that, given Anabaptist traditions of extreme conservativism, but the Mennonites are not an insignificant force in Canadian Christianity or culture.
Liberal and progressive Christians in the United States don't speak up to criticize more conservative Christians nearly often enough for my taste, but they are not an insignificant part of the US Christian world.
We should probably at least try to acknowledge that in the way we write about Christianity and Christians. Lumping a mainline Protestant denomination with gay and transgender bishops together with Southern Baptists, as if they were all in the same boat or of the same mind, is not really productive, in my opinion.