You know, you’ve repeated a lot of harmful stereotypes in this article about HIV. You’ve also neglected to write about the current state of medical affairs with respect to HIV.
I’m sure you didn’t do anything with malicious intent, but I find your article to be unhelpful at least.
I would suggest that if people want to write about HIV and AIDS that they collaborate with knowledgeable experts before publishing.
As a former professional HIV educator and someone who still works to increase public awareness of the issues, I’m in a first-hand position to understand how articles like these challenge public education efforts.
I would always be happy, by the way, to give an article a quick scan before it’s published.
Let me just add for anyone reading now that HIV infection no longer leads to AIDS for people in effective antiretroviral treatment. The sooner the treatment begins after infection, the more likely that the infected person will enjoy a normal lifespan uncomplicated by illness.
But no matter how long treatment is delayed, very positive outcomes are possible.
HIV-positive people in effective treatment today usually have their viral loads reduced to undetectable levels and cannot pass the virus on to others through unprotected sex.
HIV-positive pregnant women today can expect to deliver HIV-negative babies. The World Health Organization now recommends that HIV-positive mothers in effective treatment should nurse their babies. The health benefits of nursing outweigh the all but non-existent risk of transmitting the virus.