You know, if everyone who ever experienced some significant level of romantic/sexual attraction to people of different genders came out and identified as queer, we likely wouldn't be in a minority anymore.
I don't expect that to happen anytime soon, but you won't catch me getting upset when I see people acknowledging their queerness. Isn't that the destination? Aren't we working to get to a place where that diversity of human experience is considered normal?
By the way, on the population thing, mathematics provides a pretty good response to the folks worried about population decline. Population growth is an exponential function. You can chart it on a graph like a quadratic equation. No matter how shallow it starts out, it eventually shoots up to almost parallel the y-axis. It's like when you keep doubling something, and pretty soon the numbers get so big you can't believe it.
The thing about that is, as any math student could tell you, you can put a subtractive function (like -15x) into your equation, and no matter how big the factor is, it cannot compete. Eventually the curve ends up looking almost exactly like the one without the subtractive function.
You could subtract out 10% or 15% of women every generation from the human breeding pool, and within a few generations population numbers would remain about the same, depending on the behavior of the women you didn't subtract out. If each of them has five children, the population will explode. If each of them has only two children the population will slightly decline.
That effect would be so significant that the women you subtracted out will have almost no mathematical impact on what happens next.
Straight people claiming that queer people are dangerous to the species because we'll reduce human population are not doing the math.