You know, I mentioned to Katie in that story you're referring to that my mom started teaching me to cook when I was 8 or 9 years old. She told me that part of growing up was learning how to take care of myself so somebody else wouldn't have to.
I also mentioned that when I joined the Marine Corps, I learned that if I didn't keep my quarter's floors clean enough to eat off and if I didn't keep my clothes washed, ironed and neatly hung or folded, I'd be in a world of hurt from my first sergeant.
Ask any Marine what field day means.
Never mind, I'll tell you. 🤣 It means housecleaning day in the barracks. It means your rooms are spotless and so are common areas — so spotless your Victorian great grandmother might actually find it overkill.
I've always wondered why many guys see no problem with the military imposing "women's work" on men, but in civilian life they find it emasculating or something.
Taking care of your living space is just a necessary part of ... well, living.
Like, the rotor belt on my Hoover broke not too long ago, and I was having a hard time finding the right replacement belt so my floors got pretty bad. But I handled it after hours on the phone with Hoover. Then I did the "man's job" of replacing the belt, and I did the very very satisfying job of FINALLY vacuuming and getting my floors clean and nice looking again.
Because I like living in a clean house, which I don't think has anything to do with my gender.