You know, I haven’t been able to garden or really even effectively mow my lawn or take walks all summer long. I need to do those things in order to become healthier, but I really can’t do them because of an age-related health problem that’s inflicting a lot of pain on me.
I’m not that old, I mean I’m not even 60 yet, quite. When I used to run marathons in my 40s and early 50s, bragging about how healthy I was despite my age, it never occurred to me how lucky I was.
I do plenty of other things to stay engaged and sharp, reading voraciously, writing all the time, etc. But age really is taking a toll on me, and it’s not just a number, it’s a reality.
I really am too old for some things, and I think it’s better to face that truth and engage with constructively than try to deny it.