You can call bullshit all you like, but the Catholic Church officially teaches that we gay people are depraved and disordered. I have searched high and low for years to find even one Catholic nun or priest who would disavow that teaching. I have come up absolutely empty handed.
Even Fr. James Martin, who sometimes styles himself an LGBT ally, is careful to specify that he agrees with every Church doctrine — which means he believes I'm depraved and disordered. He's even written articles about why gay Catholics should accept that horrifying hate speech, that vicious moral condemnation.
And Martin, this vicious homophobic priest, is always held up (by Catholics) as a great friend of us gay people. What a sick joke.
Further speaking of the hierarchy, Pope Francis himself ordered that those anti-queer teachings could not be debated and potentially reformed at the recently concluded synod.
This was about the same time he (twice in two weeks!) got caught telling fellow bishops and priests not to allow gay men to train for the priesthood in seminary because "there is already too much fagotry in the Vatican."
He called us fagots!
Granted, he used an Italian word, but my Italian friends tell me the word he chose (twice at two separate gatherings!) is just as horrifying, if not moreso, in Italian as in English.
So don't try to teach your grandma to suck eggs. I am widely and deeply read. So when you assert that Christians don't care about gay issues, I know for a certain fact that you are misstating clear, widely reported facts.
You are either willfully ignorant or lying. If you are ignorant, please start learning. If you are lying, please stop.