You aren’t being honest with yourself or anyone else when you say there are over 30,000 different denominations.
That’s not an important number.
A much more significant calculus could be achieved by looking at the number of self-identified Christians who oppress minorities. And that number, backed up by data from both Pew and PRRI, is a large majority of all people who call themselves Christians.
You can’t just magically wave them all out of existence. They’re real, they’re powerful, and they really hurt people like me every day.
I write about LGBTQ issues for a living. I see Christian judgmentalism every day. I know what I’m talking about.
You know what else I see way too much of? Christians like you and Bebe denying Christianity has a huge problem with hurting people, especially minorities.
Well, you and Bebe are both dead wrong.
What I’d like to know, is what is it about Christianity that makes Christians so resistant to truth?
What is it about Christianity that makes Christians so loathe to say, “Yes, we have a big problem, and we need to work hard to fix it.”