Yes, you are passing judgment. The passage that I just highlighted is a horribly judgmental statement that you made of your own free will. Please understand that while I may not despise you as a person, I detest you for making that statement, which is disgusting and awful.
I’m angry right now, so I’m going to let you have it. Listen, and listen closely. When people are ready for sex is none of your business and has absolutely nothing to do with your religious beliefs. The toxic garbage you just spouted is awful. It causes great damage and great pain to people who have different expectations and different values from you.
Did you know that gay people, for example, usually decide to have sex far sooner than the third date? Do you know how I feel when I come across a statement like you just made?An obnoxiously judgmental statement despite your protest to the contrary?
I feel like you’re telling me that my values are bad. Screw you! Get off your damn moral high horse. I’m not going to finish your article, because you made me sick to my stomach with this passage.
I don’t hate you, and I’m not going to stop reading your articles. But I’m going to tell you right now, stop being such a piece of shit.
Nobody needs your judgmental filth. Seriously, why would you even write something so vile? If you have values for yourself, that’s fine. But if you want to preach them at other people, I’m going to call you out.