Yes, quite. The whole idea of a loyalty oath is a little un-American anyway, isn’t it? Strikes me as more jingoism than anything else, but when you consider how many people in our country lack liberty and justice, requiring people (especially children) to recite such an oath makes a mockery of what our values are supposed to be.
Then there’s the whole religious issue. Our nation was absolutely not founded in any way to honor any god.
Requiring children to take an oath that our nation was founded “under God" is repugnant and disgusting. It’s a toppling of our secular principles.
You won’t catch me saying that oath, not if I have to repeat the falsehood that our nation was founded under God.
But even if that disgusting bit could be removed from the oath, I would still have to deal with racism and the lack of liberty and justice in our nation before I’d even consider a recitation.