Yes, indeed! Back in my activist days, the Democratic Party was barely, institutionally speaking, an ally
of queer people at all.
We had to choose to try to work with some Democratic politicians, however, because the Republican Party was actively, literally, pushing measures that were killing us.
The Republican Party was deliberately murderous.
So even though many Democratic leaders were unapologetic homophobic bigots, we didn't have anybody else to work with to push measures to save our lives and enable something approacing equal treatment in society at large.
It is encouraging to see that things are very different today.
I don't endorse the Democratic Party in any sort of unqualified way, because many of their policies are incompatible with my sense of social justice, morality, and even decency.
For example, the Democratic Party today is advocating for monstrous treatment of desperate refugees at the southern border, policies that are almost exactly the same as the monstrous policies the Trump pushed through when he was president.
At the time, Democrat leaders screamed about how evil that was. Today, they're supporting the exact same evil. They are hypocrites, and they are disgusting.
So I always recognize that Democratic politicians are incredibly morally suspect. That they are very likely not good, decent people.
But like like back when I was a street activist, we have to work with what we have.
So I'm delighted to the Democratic Party has become more leftist and more progressive. I'll be voting for Harris in November.
And after that, I'll be prepared to fight her tooth and nail on any policies that deviate from morality and goodness, and I'm certain she's going to advance some evil.