Yes, but ... Act Up did protest at Senator Jesse Helms' house, famously draping it in a giant condom.
We also protested at other politicians' homes and at the homes of pharmaceutical executives, to very positive effect.
Of course things were very different. We were working hard to get the nation to pay attention to HIV/AIDS, which was killing us in horrifying numbers but not touching most of the rest of the nation. So we leveraged theatricality for mainstream news coverage. And that tactic often worked well. When people of good will learned what we were fighting for, many of them became our allies.
Back to SCOTUS protests, I thought protesting outside the justices' homes before the Dobbs decision was released was a good idea. I thought the justices needed to know how focused the majority of Americans are on bodily autonomy for women. I thought the American public could benefit from theatricality to understand how critical the issue is.
But all that is in the past now. I no longer see a practical benefit protesting in front of the justices' homes.
And one thing I learned very well from Ann Northrop at Act Up is that you always always always always have an articulable, realizable goal for your street theater. Otherwise, go spend your money and energy on something more productive.