Yes, because being polite and calling a transgender woman “she” when she’s clearly presenting as a woman and using a woman’s name would be such a burden for you. Sorry, but calling people by the names and pronouns they choose and use for themselves is not an onerous “speech code,” it’s common courtesy. It’s mere decency.
Fighting tooth and nail against courtesy and decency is (obviously) indicative of hatred.
What I see on Facebook and Twitter literally every day of my life, usually directed squarely at me just for saying I support trans equality, is over-the-top hatred. “Trans people are sick sexual perverts.” “All trans people are mentally ill.” “Trans people are going to scream in hell for eternity.” “Those trans kids are fucking stupid. Their parents need to beat their asses until they get some sense.”
You get the idea.
And you’re upset a university enforces civility by saying you have to call a trans woman by her chosen name/pronoun? Wow, your life must really suck, eh? Why, the nerve of some people.
Nobody can make YOU be courteous. Nuh uh! You’ll show em!