Yep. You know, a couple of decades ago, my foster son was quite concerned about his slow development. He was on the very bottom of the bell curve, and at 15 was sometimes mistaken for an 11-year-old. Nobody really knew why, except to guess that neglect and abuse in his early childhood had taken their toll.
We took him to an endocrinologist in Montreal for evaluation, and we sought a second opinion in Boston.
Both doctors did batteries of tests, and they both told us the same thing. They believed that Brent's sexual maturation was probably just kicking off and that it would probably proceed normally. They both expressed perfect willingness to keep monitoring the situation and to prescribe hormones if his body didn't take care of things by itself.
That didn't make Brent particularly happy, because he was tired of waiting. But he was relieved that he could get the hormones if he needed them.
It turned out that he didn't need them, but there was never any question that they would be prescribed if necessary.
And that was 20 years ago now!