Yeah, I'm with you. I don't have any respect for so-called "liberal" clerics like Cupich who say "be nice" but still go along with the whole gay people commit "acts of grave depravity" and are "intrinsically disordered" schtick. I find people like that has horrifying and disgusting as the outright conservatives. Knowing Cupich had to affirm those doctrines to become a priest and that he has never disavowed them tells me everything I need to know about him. He is a vile, evil bigot. I hate it that people point to men like him as examples of "liberalism" when in fact they uphold twisted, terrible beliefs about LGBTQ people.
I mean, maybe he actually believes something else in secret, but who does that help? His public beliefs normalize abhorrent teachings and buttress abhorrent practices.
Your story reminds me of the UMC controversy a couple years ago when the denomination almost split over LGBTQ issues. I was sick to my stomach to see many "liberal" UMC members call for treating the homophobes with grace, kindness, and compromise. Told me exactly what horrible people those so-called liberals are. They valued the homophobes' evil beliefs over standing up for persecuted people. I haven’t spoken to some of them since.