Yay! I'm so glad that you were able to be open and that it went so well. That's encouraging in a lot of ways, and must be awesome for you.
On a side note, by the way, the pansexuality definition you linked to reads like this:
Pansexuality is the romantic, emotional, and/or sexual attraction to people regardless of their gender.
That's actually almost the identical definition that's generally accepted for bisexuality, which people in the bisexual movement like to point out has never centered around the gender binary, despite the "bi" in the word.
This is a picayune detail, of course, and labels are far less important than people, but some people do end up fairly worked up over it, especially if you assert that pansexuality is not the same as bisexuality without acknowledging the assertion is not generally accepted. Lots of people who use the label bisexual say that unfairly represents how they define themselves.
Anyway, just an aside. Sorry to distract.