Wow, Woning is certainly an extremist homophobe.
She has a problem with Side B Christians? Side B Christians are homophobic bigots who believe their creator made them gay or trans but that the creator decreed that acting on their created nature is wrong — is sinful and makes them worthy of eternal damnation. Side B gay Christians believe their creator requires them to live without partnered intimacy and the joy/fulfillment that brings.
In other words, Side B Christians push some of the most toxic, condemnatory, hateful teachings that Christianity ever came up with.
But that's not enough for Woning.
Every paragraph — just about every sentence — of her dreadful piece in the Christian Post revolves around the thoroughly debunked notion that queer people can change, can stop experiencing same-sex attraction or at least experience greatly diminished same-sex attraction.
And she does it using the same old superstitious arguments Christian conversion therapy leaders have been on about for decades, despite overwhelming evidence, despite repeated admissions from former Christian conversion-therapy leaders that they were always wrong and that they lied repeatedly about their claims, sometimes even after they realized how wrong they were.
It's like a game of wack-a-mole. As soon as one Christian conversion-therapy leader admits they never managed to extinguish their own queer natur (let alone anyone else's) somebody like Woning pops up to start the tired old charade all over again.
Just look at the thrust of her piece. She rebukes Side B Christians –who already accept and promote vicious, toxic, evil Christian homophobia– because Side B Christians admit they cannot eliminate or reduce same-sex attraction.
"Yes, you can!" insists Woning with zero evidence, despite decades of overwhelming evidence to the contrary .
Her general evidence-denying attitude is common in conservative Christianity and often present even among people who call themselves liberal Christians.
Homophobia isn't the only result of ignorant magical thinking. There's a reason anti-vax proponents, covid-19 denialists, and evolution-denying creationists tend to be devoted conservative Christians. They don't care about evidence or data. On a fundamental level, they are convinced that a magical supreme being orders the universe to his whim, that they know what the real truth is, and that any evidence to the contrary is delusion, often wilfull delusion.
That's one of the reasons Christians are so fast to insist gay people can stop being gay if only they have enough faith, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
That wrong assertion is so toxic and tiresome, but it just won't die.
Superstitious idiots like Woning won't let it.
Look, I detest Side B Christians. I think they're some of the most foul, pathetic people on the planet, who push intensely destructive homophobic theology.
But Woning and her Changed pals kick the toxicity up to a whole new level with their deranged magical thinking. Woming's article clearly demonstrates that.