Wow, the Watch sure go after cats here. Or I should say at least that they go after my little tabby Elsa, who insists that she is the empress of all the property I own. (and some property my neighbors own too. What's a backyard property line to a cat?)
Elsa was up in my big maple tree the other day, and it isn't fully leaved yet, so I could see everything that was going on. She raced up there past the bird feeders and so forth, way up high. Then the racket started. Two blue jays squawking and swooping. Four robins dive bombing!
Elsa eyed them with disdain and kept climbing. Then two more blue jays joined the party, and Elsa paused. I could almost see the gears in her head turning as she evaluated the risk.
She backed down the trunk a bit clumsily, found purchase in a bough, regained feline gracefulness, and finished her descent in style.
Then she trotted up onto the porch where I was snapping photos, ran past me into the house, jumped up on the kitchen table, and said, "What? I got down from the tree because it's time for you to feed me. Were you thinking something different?"
I have photos of her way up in the maple and a photo of one of the robins harassing her. It's a shame photos can't be posted in Medium comments anymore or I would.