While I have been keeping up a little with these events for years, the time I spent researching and writing this story was still terribly traumatizing. The details in the report and in victims' accounts to journalists are too horrifying to be real, almost.
After I hit the publish button, I actually took a sedative. I just wanted to go to sleep and forget about it.
Yes, the Catholic Church’s insistence on using force and power to control people’s sexuality, particularly women’s sexuality, has caused such terrible pain and suffering.
To add insult to injury, they refuse to change any of their doctrines, and they continue to shame people for sexuality, even in the light of the evidence of all the atrocities those doctrines have caused.
As a gay man, of course, I have particular reason to loathe the Catholic Church, but I hope this report helps more women understand the evil that Catholic sexual teachings cause.
Thanks so much for your comment.