While I appreciate your efforts to make the “equal sin" comparisons and so forth, that doesn’t really cut to the heart of the issue, does it?
The primary problem with Christianity with respect to LGBTQ people is that almost all sects of Christianity say that we sin by being who we are.
That is vicious and disgusting.
When a Christian believes that gay people must live in celibacy their entire lives and never have sex in order to not commit sin, that Christian believes something foul and horrible. Whether they want to or not, that Christian is making LGBTQ people less.
The same is true for trans people. If a Christian believes a transgender person is committing a sin by presenting as the gender they are, that Christian believes something horrifying and disgusting.
This cuts to the heart of the matter. Christian beliefs about LGBTQ people are, on the whole, evil. Regardless of how they might try to treat “sinners” with respect or whatever they call it, they are still morally condemning marginalized human beings who are doing absolutely nothing wrong.
We must never for any reason excuse that. By doing so, we make ourselves part of the problem.