Wherever you get this arrogant notion that you get to tell other people who are Christians and who are not Christians, understand that you are wrong. You don't get to decide what words means and your prayers and whatever else you want to ramble on about have absolutely nothing to do with they matter.
Again, you are being absurd, and I'm pretty sure you know you are being absurd.
Why do people hate Christians so much, which is what I was responding to with the original post?
Because most Christians in the United States are truly horrible people come and the Christian religion in the United States is for the most part a truly horrible religion. I'm talking about in practice, and I'm talking about from my own direct personal experience, because Christians in the United States tend to persecute me and the people I love. So I hate them. Of course I hate them.
Your response that — oh, well, those aren't actually Christians — is absurd and also counterproductive.
What do you think I feel about Christians now, after all your gas lighting responses to me? Do you think I like Christians more? Of course not. Your stubborn denial of reality, absurd responses, and gaslighting make me hate Christians more than ever.
The idea that you can bury your head in the sand that far makes me think something about being a Christian like you tends to make people really awful.
It would be very simple for you to say, many Christians are evil and I raise my voice with you to urge them to become better people.
But you won't do that. Maybe it's not your religion that has twisted you like that, but I think it probably is.
Show me I'm wrong. Start learning to be a better person.