When I first saw articles about a family photo being altered, I thought to myself, "You people who are obsessing about this need to get lives and start worrying about some things that actually matter."
I wondered about people who focus on things that are so trivial and that don't impact society in any real way.
I wonder how much better the world might be if people devoted so much passion to making it a better place.
I spend an hour or so on Quora every evening reading about historical linguistics and other niche interests. While I'm there, I often run into comments about the British royal family and Meghan Markle. (Why? I suppose since because I read articles about English dialects in the U.K., the Quora algorithm thinks I want to read articles about the U.K. in general.)
The hatred so many Brits express toward Markle is as peculiar as it is intense — undeniably passionate.
Again, my first thought is, why are these people so passionate about something that couldn't possibly matter to them? Meghan Markle has nothing to do with them, has no impact on their lives, and doesn't matter at all in terms of government or public policy.
Yet they hate her and don't hesitate to express their hatred in rather plain language.
Is it racism? It sure feels like it sometimes!