What's so strikes me about the Christian Post article you're commenting on is how snarlingly hateful it is. Pretty much every line.
What really got me is this:
"Why spotlight same-sex attracted children in this way [calling them LGBT] as though they have some sort of incurable disease?"
Is this jerk even reading his own words? He's the one pathologizing gay and trans kids. He's the one insisting they need to be cured, literally, by sending them to conversion therapy.
He's the one literally proposing that LGBTQ people are diseased, although he doesn't use that word. He seems to accept that what he calls same-sex-attraction is not a choice, that it's a defect built into people, a defect they should struggle against and defeat.
He doesn't seem to stop to ask himself what built that "defect" into people. He just wants it rooted out and destroyed, despite overwhelming evidence that conversion therapy, especially including Christian conversion therapy, has never succeeded in doing that.
Mountains of evidence are available to him, but he chooses to remain ignorant.
Then he chooses to write a vicious, condemnatory article in one of the most influential Christian publications in the United States.
He is the incarnation of hatred.
If I were a Christian, I might presume he was an agent of Satan.