What's especially difficult for me to wrap my mind around is how conservative Christians consistently wrap up what they're doing in a blanket or "liberty" or "freedom."
What they actually do is the opposite of freedom.
I still can't get over the story I wrote last week about that conservative Christian school that beat the shit out of queer teens for being queer. I can't get over the fact that the troubled-teen industry is made up of many institutions like that where Christian parents send their queer adolescents to be tortured.
I can't get over the story already about that Christian high school that ordered a lesbian couple to break up, on pain of losing their diplomas and destroying their university careers.
That's freedom? Seriously? I guess conservative Christians are as stupid as they are evil. If they think that's what freedom is, they don't know how to think.
Or how about that woman in Texas who had to fly out of state to get an abortion because her unviable fetus was threatening her health and future fertility?
She petitioned the court to allow her to have an abortion, and the court said yeah, go ahead. Then the conservative Christians who run the Texas state government got involved. They said, "Fuck you, brood mare. Our religion says your fetus has a soul, and the value of its soul greater than your value. You're going to carry that fetus to term whether you like it or not, even though it can't live."
How sick is that? I can't understand it. I can't wrap my mind around it.
I know one thing. Forcing a pregnant woman to put her health at risk for nothing is not freedom.
I know another thing. Evangelical Christianity is disgusting and rotten. Evangelical Christians are cruel, oppressive, and evil beyond belief.