We're not talking about Catholics and you very well know that, so again, stop with your homophobic horseshit. Again, we LGBTQ people are NOT STUPID OR GULLIBLE.
There's one reason and ONE REASON ONLY to suggest that gay people might be called to be "called to celibacy." Homophobic Christian theology.
Rosebush wasn't running around Facebook suggesting some tiny portion of human beings of any gender or sexual orientation might possibly under some extraordinarily rare circumstance be "called to celibacy'." He said GAY CHRISTIAN MEN MIGHT BE CALLED TO CELIBACY.
We gay people make up probably much less than 3 to 4 percent of the conservative Protestant circles Rosebush runs in. Yet how many straight people in those circles suggest God is calling straight people to celibacy? Virtually none. It's a not a "thing" in those circles. It's non-existent. You know that, Rosebush knows that, and I know that. Hence my saying STOP THE HORSESHIT. Stop looking for loopholes to endorse homophobic theology. Why the hell can't you just say, why can't every Christian just say without compromise, that nothing AT ALL is wrong morally and spiritually with same-gender sex?
What would you say, I wonder, if a person suggested God was calling them to avoid eating or to avoid professional medical care? You would, if you were a good, moral, decent person, tell them nothing in the Christian religion makes that OK. You would tell them the Christian God does not ask people to hurt themselves in his name.
The same thing applies here. This becomes especially apparent when the people talking about this whole "called to celibacy" vomit are talking about it with respect to gay people and not straight people.
This is a MOVEMENT. It's an organized continuation of the ex-gay movement in which many of the very same Christian assholes who used to suggest God would change sexual orientation now suggest God is calling gay people to celibacy. Fuck that. That's grotesque, horrifying evil.
It's more in a long line of foul religious teachings being used to try to make same-sex intimacy wrong, shameful, or something to overcome.
You know what? If I happened to encounter some movement of evangelical Protestants suggesting human beings in general might be sometimes called to celibacy, I'd probably just snort and move along, muttering to myself about how foolish and crazy Christians can be as they leverage their teachings to deny themselves and others fulfillment and love. But I'd do so knowing their theology, which highly values marriage, had somehow fundamentally changed.
But it hasn't changed, has it? Nope. Not for people in general. Just for us faggots who shouldn't be having disgusting sex with one another.
How convenient, eh, that this new-fangled Protestant celibacy movement only applies to us in actual practice?
Please, Blanche. We aren't stupid and we aren't gullible. We see you. We see what you're doing. So knock off the horseshit. Just stop it.