We're in a struggle with a religious/political movement that's trying to bring it all back.
When we talk about culture wars, we talk about abortion and LGBTQ topics, because the right focuses on them. But those are just the most prominent issues for the religious right, which in many important ways is almost indistinguishable from the political right in the United States today.
The right also wants to to ban or severely restrict contraception. In their churches, they preach gender complementarianism, meaning women are fundamentally different from men, not suited to leadership roles at church or in society at large.. Ideally, they say, women should marry, have children, stay married for life even when beaten, stay home to care for and educate the children, and run an efficient household that will keep their husbands happy and faithful — all while presenting as sexy and beautiful for their husbands while being exceptionally modest outside the home.
You don't need an old magazine, sadly, to re-visit a bygone sexist era. All you have to do is walk into your average Baptist or other Evangelical church, and just listen to the man in the pulpit. And it's always a man; women are forbidden to preach or lead.
Think they can't make their sexist dreams come true? Well, women are already forced to give birth in some states, and there's no end in sight. The right to bodily autonomy is not coming back anytime soon.
The right are telling us loud and clear that they want the world of this magazine. We should believe them. They aren't playing.