Well, the appeals court ruled unanimously for the City of Philadelphia. They said the case is open and shut. The Supreme Court went and invented ways to find in favor of the Church, without actually overturning any precedents. They seem really super determined to let the Church spend taxpayer money while disregarding generally applicable laws.
Another good question is what the hell the Church thinks it’s doing. More and more Americans are coming to despise the Roman Catholic Church because of how evilly they behave so constantly.
And now here they come again, being absolute dicks. It’s hard to understand how they think they’re going to come out looking okay from all this.
Watch them demand to spend taxpayer dollars while discriminating. People’s jaws drop. They see that and they just despise the Church, because they recognize despicable behavior when they see it.
No wonder the pews are emptying out. Decent people have little desire to be part of an institution that behaves in this kind of morally repugnant manner.