Well said!
What’s also frightening about this is that wealthy white men are more than willing to subvert our democratic, representational norms while trying to exert control over women’s bodies.
Texas legislators intentionally deployed novel legal devices they knew courts would have a hard time coping with. American jurisprudence is not set up to deal with this kind of vigilante law. And for good reason! This kind of vigilantism runs entirely contrary to our democratic norms.
Maybe our court system will eventually figure out how to combat anti-democratic laws like this, maybe not.
Five justices on the Supreme Court clearly don’t want to, and I’m sure it’s not just a coincidence that those same five justices ideologically oppose abortion.
If anyone in the United States is still operating under the delusion that our nation is anything like a representative democracy, this horrific Texas law should shatter their presumptions.
The question is, what will we do about it? What do we do about the fact that the United States Senate maintains an effective choke hold on democracy, with a handful of senators who represent the merest sliver of the American people wielding enormous minority power?
If our Congress were actually democratic, if it actually represented a majority of the American people, Congress would strike this Texas abomination down in a heartbeat, pardon the pun. But Congress can’t do that, because Congress does not effectively represent a majority of the American people.
The United States is no longer, if it ever was, a representative democracy. Marginalized people, particularly women, are losing because of that. Big time.