We marginalized minorities should shut up and be quiet, right? I'm sick to death of privileged people telling me and people like me to suck it up, sit down, and shut up. I'm so sorry if our truthful doom and gloom articles about the state of LGBTQ equality and racism in the United States are disturbing your precious mental health. You'll be okay. You really will. And you know what you can do if things really bother you so much that you can't take it anymore? You can turn your eyes away and stop reading, like so many other people do.
You know who can't turn their eyes away? Trans kids in Florida in Texas. Or their parents. Did you know that things are so bad that the the Air Force has actually instituted a formal program to reassign queer families out of those states?
Those families aren't worried about truthful information being doom and gloom, they're worried about actual oppression and persecution. They worry about losing jobs, being investigated for child abuse, and being denied medical care.
My friend who had the shit beat out of him a couple weeks ago by someone repeatedly calling him a faggot can't look away either. The people beating him wouldn't let him look away. Anti-LGBTQ street violence is exploding in the United States, at levels that haven't been seen in decades.
Doom and gloom disturb your mental health? Cry me a river. Why don't you worry about something real?
I wrote an article yesterday begging people to pay attention, because it feels like we're in this all alone, and this morning I run up against you asking people to just shut up.
You are selfish.