Um, Earth to Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur, you need to go to Germany for a while. I lived in Berlin for 5 years, and I'm here to tell you I know what the German perspective is on the Holocaust. The German people in general know what happened at the hands of their ancestors, detest what happened, and feel a deep sense of national mourning and shame over it.
Just try going over to Germany and attempting anything that even vaguely feels like Holocaust denial. You'll find yourself unwelcome so fast your head will spin.
Listen, when I was a young man I often sat at a kitchen table eating with a German family that included an elderly man who had been a member of the Nazi party and a government official during the Hitler regime.
I was friends with a young man in the family who was my age, and we often went out in the evening together to have a few beers and do what young people do. Part of that included talking about anything and everything, including his grandfather's complicity with the Holocaust.
I'll give you three guesses, Representative, as to what my young German friend's perspective was. If you guess it's any less condemnatory of the German people's complicity with atrocity than what Americans learn about in school, you're on completely the wrong track.
The average German knows much more about the Holocaust than the average American, and the German people are fiercely determined to never walk down that road again.
If you tried that kind of "perspective" talk with Germans in Germany, you'd meet an implacably hostile audience. They know better than that.