Two Decembers ago I wrote a story about boycotting the Salvation Army because of their homo/transphobic policies. I promoted it on Twitter and Facebook, and it went viral off Medium — got viewed about 50k times.
Last December it went viral again, all in its own. I had totally forgotten it existed until one day I saw my stats skyrocketing and didn’t know why.
Eventually I started getting some internal applause and figured out what was happening. Now the story is up to about 500k views. I still get a few every day.
How much have I been paid? About 200.00. Meh.
But I did get a much more valuable payment, which I treasure far more, a cease and desist letter from the Salvation Army.
Of course I told them to go fuck themselves and didn’t remove the story.
What fills me with joy is knowing I hurt them enough that they noticed. Sometimes money isn’t the only pay a writer receives.