"Today, we in the LGBTQ community face a similar problem — anti-LGBTQ rhetoric demands that sex, sexuality, and gender follow solely from genetics and its associated biochemical processes."
Does it? I think it might sometimes, but not nearly all the time. The Roman Catholic Church, for example, freely acknowledges in official teachings that some human beings are sexually attracted to other humans via biological processes. Even the Church's most strident anti-trans theology does not dispute that trans people may experience gender identity the way they do because of something biological.
The Church's position is that biology doesn't matter. They won't even argue genetics with you, because they don't care. What matters to them are the Biblical/philosophical ideas they advance against same-sex sexual behavior and against gender presentation that conflicts with gender assigned at birth.
Roman Catholic philosophy doesn't dispute queer biological essentialism, it brushes it aside as irrelevant.
Evangelical Christian leaders are (as a rule) much less educated in philosophy than Roman Catholic leaders, not to mention ignorant of or dismissive of science, but they often make arguments similar to the Catholic one: behavior contradicting our interpretation of the Bible is wrong, regardless of what science says. Your science may be right. It may be wrong. We don't care .
Many queer thinkers make similar arguments, expressed something like this: "Scientific investigations of the origins of sexual orientation and gender identity are interesting. However, all human beings must enjoy the right to self determination and self expression, without respect to scientific investigation of the biological roots of human behavior."