To say that France has an abundance of tolerance for pedophiles is just not accurate. I’ve spent a lot of time in France and know a lot of French people. French people in general abhor pedophilia.
Yes, they’ve had some scandals and need to revise some laws in light of ancient traditions to leave sexual mores to the Church rather than the state. That’s unquestionably a problem.
But when you say France loves pedophiles, you are absolutely wrong. To contrast that by saying France hates Muslim women is shit stirring.
France has a tradition of laïcité that is causing problems with respect to Muslim religious garments like hijabs and burkas. Some segments of French society also have problems with Islamophobia and xenophobia. That does not equal a hypothetical France as an entity hating Muslim women.
The way you try to connect those two issues is irresponsible and repugnant.
Your article is disgusting french bashing. Shame on you for being so irresponsible.