This would almost be funny given how contrary to reality it is, given how gay and trans people were some of the very first victims of Germany's Nazi party, given how the pink triangle that queer people were forced to wear in the death camps and work camps is an important symbol of queer liberation today. Lively guy is as ignorant about history as psychology and anthropology. His name often comes up in discussions about increasingly brutal, even deadly, homophobic violence in Africa. I mean, increasing criminalization is bad enough. But it's the grassroots violence that is destroying queer lives more than laws.
And it's Christians who are encouraging that violence, including Western Christians like Francis and former Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. Both of them made big points when traveling recently to Africa to affirm that homosexuality is sinful, feeding into the perverse notion that gay and trans people are immoral and dangerous to society.
I make no secret that I despise traditional Christianity. The man you were writing about now is this responsible for my views as homophobic monsters like Pope Francis and Justin Welby.
I don't know what it is a bad Christianity at its core that turns people into such judgmental, arrogant, willfully ignorant monsters. But clearly it does. It's just a sickening religion.