This observation about Black men following Black cultural norms is so critical. White racism becomes especially pronounced when Black men refuse to assimilate into white culture.
White reaction is often vicious even when it falls short of outright violence. White people who would swear they are not racist will mock and jeer and denigrate without apology.
They’ll do it openly, and they’ll insist they aren’t being racist. They’ll swear they’re just criticizing somebody acting or looking stupid. Only they’ll say things that are a lot more insulting than “stupid.”
As if cultural norms were somehow objective!
Of course making fun of a person for their clothing style when that style is part of Black culture is racist. Of course it’s toxic. Of course insulting someone for using an ordinary dialect of American English is racist.
And the thing is, it doesn’t just stop at insults. It moves on to violence, as you say. It also perpetuates systemic suppression of opportunity for Black Americans. You just don’t get more racist than that.