This is where I get lost. I reject the sacred. I reject religion. I reject the view based on dualism that human beings are divided into spirit and body — supposedly distinct, separate, and very different from one another.
To use your word, I believe that's horseshit.
I think we have a lot to talk about when it comes to expunging purity culture from our communities, but when somebody does that using a religious idea like sacred, I don't think we're doing it right.
In my opinion, "sacred" equals "horseshit."
We don't need superstitious religious ideas, in my opinion, to become the best people and communities that we can become.
So, I appreciate your thoughts on this very much, and I absolutely agree with much of what you write. But when we get to the religious part at the end, I could not disagree more.
I think we need to get rid of those religious ideas. I think we need to understand the dualism is wrong, and that trying to make everything religious is unhelpful.