This is deeply suspect as a statement. They're not saying that they've changed their minds about things, only that they haven't been clear in communicating what they believe.
Here in the United States, a growing fashion among conservative religious churches is to say that they don't support conversion therapy, and then practice it anyway. They use sophistry to turn the conversion therapy they practice into something that goes by another name.
They say they don't want to change someone's innate sexual orientation, only "help them moderate unwanted same-sex attraction."
If you look into their programs, what they're doing is pretending to give people tools to stop being attracted to the same sex and start being attracted to the opposite sex.
That is, of course, the definition of conversion therapy.
All the while, they strongly insert that they don't support conversion therapy, and that they would never practice it. 🙄
We see this across Christian denominations in the United States, from many Catholic diocese, to the Evangelical Protestant world, including in quite hip millennial mega churches.
The beliefs haven't changed, they're just delivered in a more moderate tone so as not to turn people off.