This is all very interesting, but you seem to neglect and important question: should evangelism be thought of as a good thing, especially for the Church of England, especially when so many Christians are teaching such revolting and horrible things about LGBTQ youth?
Justin Welby, the head of the Church of England and of the worldwide Anglican Communion, for example, is a disgusting, homophobic piece of shit who refuses to allow the spouses of same-sex married bishops sit down at a table equally with other Christians.
Obviously, that's revolting. Obviously, the leader of the Church of England is a homophobic pig.
Obviously, exposing young people to his disgusting message is toxic, damaging, and by many definitions actually evil.
Why encourage evangelizing, why encourage bringing young people into that kind of toxic shit?
I have good LGBTQ friends in England, some of them young adults, and for the most part what they're concerned about with the Church of England is calling them out for being homophobic assholes. They think evangelizing for the Church of England is pretty nasty.
I think before you celebrate evangelizing, you guys need to get your shit together and stop with the homophobic evil.
Because bringing young people into your Church, while it's still such a vicious institution, is clearly not something to encourage, especially not if those young people end up being LGBTQ.
My friends say, stop being evil before you evangelize. They say young people need to be protected from your Church's shit.
I agree with them. The thought of more young people joining the Church of England right now fills me with despair.
Because the Church of England is homophobic garbage. If leaders are filth, and it's teachings are disgusting.
Fuck the Church of England and fuck evangelizing for those homophobic scum.