This is a really interesting point. Regular blood work and contact with a physician have big health benefits. For example, starting a bit more than a decade ago, medical professionals were puzzled by the fact that people living with HIV who are in effective treatment with no detectable viral levels were living longer than actuarial tables said they should – just a little, but measurably, longer than a member of the general public without HIV.
This didn't seem to make sense on its face because HIV meds have quite small but measurable toxic effects, including bone density loss and organ damage. So over a large population, shouldn't those effects add up to measureably shorter lifespans? The data showed otherwise.
Researchers scratched their heads in puzzlement until they hypothesized that the regular blood work and visits to primary care physicians mandated by treatment protocols might be the answer.
A deep look at data revealed that quarterly or twice yearly blood screenings and office visits were catching incipient cancer and cardiac problems before they would have been caught, sometimes making treatment possible when it might not otherwise have been. Thus, the statistically significant lifespan increase.
So, since HRT doesn't present even the minimal toxicity that HIV treatment does, it only stands to reason that trans folks on HRT would benefit the same way (or perhaps more) from regular medical screenings required by HRT protocols.
I'm not aware if medical researchers have looked into this, but maybe somebody should.