This comment itself reveals the insincerity of the Facebook poster. Progressive Christians are not ignorant of their own theology and teachings. Christian scholars have written entire libraries of books on the subject he claims his "friends" are ignorant of. Moreover, denominational debates (such as recently with homophobic Christians demanding to leave the United Methodist Conference) about the subject have been frequent and very public - filled with exactly the learned affirmation of queer people the FBP claims his friends are unaware of.
Indeed, it's difficult to find any serious scholar of the Bible who will defend absolute moral condemnation of gay people, and even more difficult on the subject of trans people. It's quite easy, obviously, to find fundamentalist "scholars" who do, but serious scholars (those without preconceived conclusions grounded in doctrinal purity) find the bulk of Evangelical/conservative ideas about the Bible to be obviously wrong, if not downright silly. These fundamentalist Bible "scholars" reject wholesale even the most uncontentious academic consensus about the Bible, such as which claimed works of Paul are not really by Paul, who wrote the gospels and when, etc.
So, really, when it comes to progressive Christians having "no answers" your FBP is on the losing side of the argument.