These vicious homophobes can accept or not accept that label all they like, but their opinion is irrelevant. They simply don't have a say in the matter not more than members of the KKK had a say in whether they were labeled as racist. They were (and remain, to the extent they still exist) racists, and it was Black people who applied the label.
It was the victims of their racism who applied the label. That's all that mattered. Members of the KKK certainly did not have to accept the label for it to be accurate.
Did you know the KKK often claimed their positions were not racist? They claimed simply to be upholding traditional values. They claimed racist segregation would make everyone happy, Black people included. They claimed (and this is important!) that racist segregation was ordained by God, Biblically supported. Pastors all over the U.S. preached in support of that message.
I personally heard sermons like that in quite mainstream evangelical churches when I was a boy. My dad, a Baptist pastor, took the opposite position, and he took a lot of shit for it. Our church almost split when he let Black kids ride the Sunday School bus. Oh, the righteous, racist, Christian indignation! Oh, the implicit threats of violence!
The evangelical world today is just as vicious toward gay people as evangelicals in my youth were vicious toward Black people.
And they justify it the same way, by quoting from sacred texts they claim to have a unique ability to truly understand and apply.
And just like in the past, they claim to be motivated by love and kindness — as they discriminate against queer people and treat us like shit, not least by morally condemning us, meaning calling us sinners because of how we physically express love with our same-sex partners.
That infuriates me, and it's an aspect of evangelical Christianity I find so cancerous and foul.
I am so sick and tired of being labeled a sinner by these puffed up, ignorant, superstitious monsters.
I think lots of people are! And not just us queer folks. We're not the only people these right-wing religious freaks presume to morally condemn. We're not the only group they weaponize the Bible to attack.
I'll tell you what, though, all the euphemisms and slippery language you cited (that they apparently use to try make themselves look less disgusting) shows me something. They know most decent human beings won't stand for their plain homophobic speech.
But none of their evasive vocabulary and slick talk can cover up the fact that they morally condemn us for our LOVE, can cover up the that they are evil, ignorant, superstitious fools.
Nothing can cover up that they are foul homophobes.
I am NOT IMMORAL because I love, and any religious bullies who insist I am can kiss my hairy gay ass, while I tell them in dozens of ways just exactly what disgusting pieces of shit they are.