The University Place D’Ag’s was the one I was thinking. Don’t tell people I cheated with that photo. lol. It was the best one I could find that conveyed the right atmosphere, even if it wasn’t close enough to be right by the market like I said. ;-) I chose the photos long after I wrote the draft.
My dream is that one day I can have this book professionally illustrated. I’m imagining charcoal line drawings with elegant lines. Something of that order.
I remember the restaurant across 6th Ave. It was good! Lenny and I didn’t eat in that neighborhood all that often, though. It was just a little bit outside his regular stomping grounds. We were Manatus regulars, and we also tended to frequent the two diners on 23rd and 8th where we lived. Moonstruck was the name of the one, but the other one, where we went more often was Pier something or other. I can’t remember!