The Unicorns are so inspiring to me! As an American, I’m more of a baseball nut myself, but the two games share a lot more than just bats and balls. Like cricket, baseball is something of a cerebral game, and has always been a bit more of a gentleman’s sport than other popular American pastimes.
It’s one of the few games where teamwork is much more important than individual accomplishment.
Even a baseball player with a very good hitting average only gets a hit a minority of the time they come up to bat. So players have to learn to just play the game, to power through and rely on their teammates and ultimately to trust their own ability despite the streaks of poor batting that plague every player.
They have to learn how to play smart and not go for glory. Every baseball coach has a stock saying: Just hit the ball, don’t swing for the fence.
In another similarity, professional baseball shares a club system like cricket, nurturing players from a young age rather than relying on a university player pipeline like other popular American professional sports.
But as much as I love the game, out gay professional baseball players are about as rare as players in any other sport. Meaning all but nonexistent.
I played baseball as a small boy, but I dropped out after I began to be teased for being effeminate. I never stopped loving the game, but I lost my stomach for trying to play it.
So when I see you doing what you’re doing to make cricket open and inviting to everyone, believe me, I’m cheering!