The point you raise are critically important for sports in school for children.
The transgender brouhaha highlights so clearly how hypocritical we are when we claim school sports exist to nurture children and turn them into more well-rounded, healthy people.
That sentiment gets completely lost when transgender kids want to join school teams and take advantage of all of that healthy positivity. Competitive parents immediately begin to scream that trans kids are a competitive problem, as if competition were really the point of school athletics.
But that's the reality, isn't it? Most people don't believe, not really, that school sports exist to produce well-rounded people. Too many people believe school sports exist so hyper-gifted kids can get sports scholarships to colleges and then eventually get into professional athletics.
But that's not realistic. Only a tiny minority of school children possess the genetic advantages to allow them to compete at an elite level.
Most kids can have a blast playing basketball, baseball, football, soccer, you name it. Most of them can develop positive friendships, learn how to get along with fellow students, and develop healthy habits to last a lifetime.
But the moment a trans kid comes along, that's all out the window. And that's a shame. Well, it's more than a shame, it's really tragic.
It's time the grown ups in the room started talking about what school sports are really for.