The idea that religious people ought to be able to control what other people say and how they express themselves artistically is frightening. I'd say it's probably especially frightening for LGBTQ people, given that religious people so often say that we offend them merely by existing in public.
It's pretty shocking that the UK would ban an image like this. I mean, really? This is the land of Monty Python and "Life of Bryan," the song "Every Sperm is Sacred" from "The Meaning of Life" that goes out of its way to mock Catholics as superstitious idiots.
Art offends people. That's what art does. Artists should not have to worry about the tender sensibilities of religious people when they produce their art.
I much prefer how the French people handle things. When Muslim terrorists slaughtered staffers at Charlie Hebdo's offices because the comedy magazine printed deliberately offensive cartoons of Mohammed, the entire nation seemed to double down by displaying images of Mohammed everywhere.
That's how things should be. Religious people should never be able to restrict expression. We should never allow them to muzzle us.
People should be free to practice whichever religion they wish I believe whatever they like. But that should be the end of it. They must not be allowed the power to control other people.