The devil's in the details, as they say. Catholic leaders like Barron frequently say that they oppose unjust discrimination with respect to LGBTQ people. That's what the catechism even says, alongside lines that say we are disordered and commit acts of "grave depravity." Talk about cognitive dissonance.
The reality is, even putting the dissonance aside, is that Catholic bishops pack a whole lot of hateful practice into that little word "unjust."
When they conduct witch hunts against LGBTQ employees in schools and charitable organizations, they sometimes even acknowledge that they're discriminating, but they claim that the discrimination is "just" rather than "unjust."
I'm thinking of the organist and music director at a parish Church in Detroit. Her bishop fired her just a couple years before she was due to retire with a full pension. Because she's a lesbian. Depriving her of needed financial support in her retirement is apparently "just" to that morally depraved bishop
The Bishop of Indianapolis is rather the emperor of anti LGBTQ employee witch hunts. He even threatened to withhold the diploma of a graduating gay high school senior if he didn't stop speaking up publicly in opposition to the witch hunts. That student acquiesced until he graduated, then he went on the Ellen show to expose the bishop's moral depravity.
A friend of mine is very close to the music teacher and church music director who was fired a year ago or so ago in New Jersey, by his bishop, for being gay. To make matters even worse, the bishop tried to bribe him with an almost six-figure severance package that was actually a gag order. He turned the money down and held a press conference to expose that bishop's moral depravity.
Something each of those three bishops having common with Barron is that they will SAY they love LGBTQ people, that they respect us, and that they agree we should not be unjustly discriminated against.
Then they fuck us as hard as they can.
Just like when Barron and crew tried to convince Congress not to provide suicide intervention support for us.