The community where I live now is all white, with the exception of one business owner (who does not live here) who comes from India.
But it's a different story, with no housing developments existing here in rural western Michigan. (There are developments in and around Grand Rapids —about an hour from here —but that's a different dynamic, and Grand Rapids does have a significant if not very large Black minority.)
I've lived here since 2017, and this is the first time in my life I've lived anywhere without a significant presence of non-white neighbors.
Even when I drive about 30 minutes to the nearest real town to shop for groceries, people of color are very very very rare — with Black people being even more rare than Latinos.
I don't know the history of this area very well, so I don't have many good ideas for why it's so racially segregated. I speculate that after the Civil War when a lot of Black folks migrated from the South for economic opportunity in the booming automotive and steel industries, they stopped at Detroit, Flint, Kalamazoo, etc, seeing no reason to move to the countryside.
(I note that those locations ARE on your list.)
But I'll tell you this much: it seems highly significant to me that voluntary segregation remains so strong in some places. If I hadn't moved up here, I never would have realized just how strong it is.